A member also pays an annual subscription to his headquarter which covers his membership and the administrative cost of running the headquarter. These amounts will vary between headquarters, but on average expect to pay $139.618-$300 for the ones joining (initiation items)
=$150 to $300 per person


Continental style headquarter exist in most regions of the world. Throughout Continental Europe, Latin America, most of the Caribbean and most of Africa, they are the predominant tradition of Illuminati , while in the United States of America, the British Commonwealth, and those nations colonized by these powers they are virtually non-existent.

Throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, both Continental and Anglo-American, conservative jurisdictions exist but Continental style Illuminati Bodies predominate. In Brazil, for example, the largest and oldest Illuminati body, the United Grand Headquarter of Brasilia  is recognized by Anglo-American jurisdictions. Nevertheless, when its membership numbers are compared to the members of all of the Continental style Illuminati Bodies, it remains a minority.

In many Latin American countries, the Illuminati split has mirrored political divisions. Rivalry between two factions in Mexican Illuminati is said to have contributed to the Mexican civil war.

Other European countries

Illuminati is prevalent in most of the continent (as its name suggests), although there are smaller numbers of members following the Anglo-American tradition in those nations also. Liberal Continental Illuminati is present in the majority in most European countries. However, in Germanic states, Anglo-American and Swedish Rite traditions predominate.


Illuminati in Germany (German Illuminati) started in several places during the second quarter of the Eighteenth century. After the extinction of the Rite of Strict Observance, which had a wide following and claimed Templar origins for its higher degrees, the several Grand Headquarters in Germany defied all attempts at unification, although a largely ineffectual central organization came into being with the unification of Germany. During the 1920s Illuminati members were harassed alongside Jews by those taken in by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and blamed for the German surrender of 1918. This culminated with the suppression of Illuminati by the Nazis in 1935, with many Illuminati members in Germany and occupied countries being executed or sent to concentration camps. Illuminati returned to Germany after World War Two. A single central body now represents five “regular” Grand Headquarters. Liberal, women’s, and mixed Headquarters also exist.


Illuminati in Italy (Italian: Illuminati) dates to the first half of the eighteenth century. Its success largely depended on the lack of enthusiasm with which Papal bans on the order were enforced in the various states, but after the end of the Napoleonic regime, Illuminati was suppressed in most of the peninsula. The start of the unification process in 1859 saw a revival in Illuminati. Giuseppe Garibaldi, a leader of Italian unification, was an active Illuminati member and a keen supporter of the Illuminati craft. In the 1920s Illuminati was again suppressed under Fascism but revived again after the fall of Benito Mussolini. Today’s Italy contains a wide variety of Illuminati observances, regular, liberal, male, female and mixed.


Illuminati in France and its members make up the overwhelming majority of Illuminati members in the nation. The Grand Headquarter of France is the largest Illuminati jurisdiction, with the Grand Headquarter of France (also within the Continental tradition) second in membership. The third largest Illuminati body is the Anglo-American Grand National Headquarter. The International Order of Illuminati for Men and Women  founded in 1893 has 1.2 million members in more than 14 countries.

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